A True Modern Family
Even though The Munsters aired for only 2 seasons between 1964-1966, the series became immensly popular in syndication and spawned several revival movies and follow ups decades later. Now NBC is planning to bring the show back to TV with ‘Pushing Daisies’ creator Bryan Fuller updating the classic show. The pilot script was recently submitted to the network and industry insiders speculate that it may quickly get the nod to go into production.
Originally developed as a reboot, NBC chief Bob Greenblatt had his team redevelop the project which might be a spin on the ‘Modern Family’ concept. Similar to ‘Pushing Daisies’, the project will feature impressive design elements combined with the classic Munsters archetypes.
Grandpa Sam Dracula is essentially Dracula who assembled Herman because no man was good enough for his daughter Lily, a sexy vamp. Lily’s niece Marilyn the freak is actually normal and Lily and Herman’s only child, Eddie, has his werewolf tendencies surface in puberty, forcing the family to relocate to their famous 1313 Mockingbird Lane address.
Check out The Munsters opening / closing sequences here:
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