OMFG…The Event Did It!


If you recently saw NBC’s The Event starring Jason Ritter and Blair Underwood,  you might have thought it was going to be a run of the mill conspiracy show with some good action, well if you stuck around for the ending you would have to agree that the hype was definitely worth it.

eventpostersWithout giving too much away if you’re still yet to see it, whatever you’ve seen in the promos can’t prepare you for the final reel which went all out to deliver the most original ending in years. Whilst the unfortunate Flash Forward had no-where to go but backward after the pilot episode, The Event took the concept then hit the proverbial ball straight out of the park and into the stratosphere in the final moments.

What seemed like a normal, high quality thriller in the opening scenes soon began to increase it’s level of tension with convincing performances and startling imagery which continued to add to the story climax. It had a distinct story telling  style that was akin to the devices of a Tarantino narrative which uses title cards to introduce various sequences and pivotal characters. After every few scenes the story would cut away, then backwards and forward to the key moment and did so without losing it’s way.

As the climatic scene approached a multitude of scenarios came to mind, but surprisingly THE EVENT then delivered  a moment in TV unlike any other show for some time, perhaps not since the season 4 finale of Lost when viewers first witnessed the island moving.

This show has began with a great concept at it’s core and we’ve likely only seen the tip of the iceberg with it’s dramatic set-up to make this an above average thriller. So tune in because in the final moments you too will be saying… OMFG!

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