The spin-off show Stargate Universe will no longer be entering a dialing sequence with it’s series set to conclude at the end of season 2. The SyFy network recently announced that they would not be picking up Stargate Universe for a third season.
It debuted in October 2009 with a respectable 2.4 million viewers, but the following episodes soon started to loose viewership and of late the show has been averaging numbers around the 1 million mark, only slightly higher than the recently axed Caprica.
The producers had high hopes for the show promoting it as a new series for a younger generation, but it was decidedly different in tone from previous incarnations. The episodes were somewhat flat and failed to engage viewers with the same signature flair that it’s predecessor Atlantis or the series Stargate did. The show was also different visually with hand held photography that made things look quite unsettling.
The characters featured were also less than appealing, with most having little substance and few redeeming qualities, not to mention a general lack of chemistry between the actors.
Whilst the show had great production values, something failed to gel and its less than polished look and the inability to draw greater numbers confirmed that this was a gamble that unfortunately didn’t pay off.
SyFy still plans on airing the final half of the second season sometime next year, as for the story it’s unknown how far along the production is on the 10 remaining episodes to write a proper finale.
With this news it gives the producers a chance to start brainstorming ideas for another show, that’s if the network would be interested in resurrecting the premise again after this failed endeavor. Whilst the world of Stargate appeals to the sci-fi geeks, it generally has less appeal to the average viewer, but if the producers can come up with another concept, Syfy will probably take a look .
via: Screen Rant
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