Yahoo recently added the latest trailer for Source Code, the new sci-fi thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga. It’s written by Ben Ripley whose credits include a TV movie and the ‘Species’ follow ups and it’s directed by Duncan Jones, whose recent film ‘Moon’ starring Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, evoked an […]
Archive | Trailers
RANGO – New Scene
Here’s a 3 minute clip from Johnny Depp‘s new animated flick Rango, where he plays a smooth talking chameleon that finds himself in the middle of a town that’s full of colorful characters straight out of a spaghetti western. Though these bad guys are the least of his worries, he also has to evade the […]
Toy Story ‘Hawaiian Vacation’ Clip
Pixar has released a thirty second preview of the Toy Story themed short Hawaiian Vacation that will debut in front of Cars 2. The new mini adventure follows the iconic favorites Ken and Barbie with the rest of the gang lending a helping hand. Seeing that Toy Story 3 is the most successful film in […]
Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts – New Scene From Larry Crowne
Tom Hanks recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s post-Oscar show and brought along a scene from his new film Larry Crowne. It’s looking to be a romantic and uplifting comedy drama that might just offer a few lessons on life’s challenges. Tom Hanks plays Larry Crowne, a superstar team leader who’s been working at the big-box […]
Insidious – Trailer #2
Here’s the second trailer for the ‘haunted kid’ movie Insidious that might just have a few thrills seeing that it’s from the masterminds behind ‘Paranormal Activity’ and the ‘Saw’ flicks. The Haunted house and the possession genre flicks are always fun as they create a claustrophobic environment with creepy surroundings and doomed characters that you […]
The Hangover Part II – Teaser
The first teaser has been released by Warner Bros for the upcoming The Hangover Part II. Rather than giving insight into the events that bring about the latest hangover, the new teaser just highlights the disorientation that might be felt by the central characters – after all we pretty much know that it involves plenty […]
Bad Teacher – Red Band Trailer
Here’s the red band trailer that Columbia Pictures recently released for Bad Teacher, which delivers on profanity and the usual crude jokes for fans who like edgier comedies. Cameron Diaz plays the titular bad teacher, who has plenty of bad habits with a potty mouth to match. Her character vies for the attention of her […]
Apollo 18 – ‘found footage’ Trailer
Here’s the first trailer for Apollo 18 that falls into the “found footage” sub-genre where the film plays as all to real for the purposes of creating an authentic story. While it’s an inventive genre, the found footage format predicates that there are usually little or no survivors – hence the reason why the footage […]
THOR – New Trailer
After the recent Super Bowl teaser, Marvel has now released a new full length trailer for Thor. This one is a big improvement over the last with a greater emphasis on humor. It shows how Natalie Portman and her team come across Thor in the desert, played by Aussie Chris Hemsworth, who laughs at the […]
Sucker Punch – New Promo
Here’s another look at Zack Snyder‘s upcoming surreal flick Sucker Punch that aired between Sunday night’s Grammys. There’s high expectations for this movie that looks like a thrill ride of escapist proportions with plenty of action, plus some crazy depraved stuff with girls locked in a mental house. Though these babes still get to wear […]
X-Men: First Class – Trailer
The first trailer has been released for the prequel story X-Men: First Class that’s quite cool and gives a nod to Bryan Singer‘s initial film, with the original actors Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart featured briefly via clips. The younger counterparts look comfortable playing these classic characters with the villainous beginnings of Magneto portrayed by […]
J.J. Abrams Unveils Super 8
Super 8 is the new J.J. Abrams flick that’s shaping up to be an exciting throwback to the classic sci-fi genre, overrun by a deluge of today’s hi-tech alien invasion stories. In the tradition of ‘Close Encounters’ and maybe even ‘E.T’, ‘Super 8’ is set in the time when those films changed sci-fi adventure stories […]
Terra Nova – TV Promo
Here’s the first TV promo for the upcoming show Terra Nova that airs in May on Fox and other networks soon after. It’s a mega-bucks production that’s rumored to cost around $4 million an episode so it’s going to have to generate big numbers and a loyal following to keep it on the air. It’s […]
Captain America – First Promo
After considerable development time and months of waiting, the first teaser of Marvel’s Captain America is finally here. Starring Chris Evans, the promo starts off with his character looking puny until he volunteers for a secret military experiment that transforms him into the bulked up physique Chris is famous for. If only those machines were […]