Yahoo recently added the latest trailer for Source Code, the new sci-fi thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga. It’s written by Ben Ripley whose credits include a TV movie and the ‘Species’ follow ups and it’s directed by Duncan Jones, whose recent film ‘Moon’ starring Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, evoked an atmosphere of Kubrick’s ‘Space Odyssey’ flick.
The new trailer and clips for ‘Source Code’ offer a glimpse at a movie that seems reminiscent of ’12 monkeys’ with a little bit of ‘Groundhog Day’ going on, where the character has to continually do over the same sequence of events until he can find out the culprits behind the cataclysmic attacks.
Sci-fi ideas like these, especially dealing with time travel hold true to the key fundamentals of this genre where man tries to play God and control the events of time and space. Though highly improbable, these movies are usually a fun ride that work as a hybrid thriller, where the crime is presented from multiple perspectives to give audiences the chance to piece it all together. Jake Gyllenhaal is one of those actors who makes you believe that it’s all too real, and this adds to the level of intrigue and lure of what will surely be an entertaining mind twister.
Source Code opens April 1st, 2011.
Check out the new trailer and clips, thanks to Yahoo here:
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