The first trailer for Abduction was recently released starring ‘Twilight’ sensation Taylor Lautner. It’s good to see the young actor outside the vamp universe though this flick looks anything but mundane. The set up has his friend figure out that he might be an abducted child from years back and when he starts looking into it, assassins turn up at his parents house and he soon becomes the target and must evade his pursuers at any lengths.
Looks like this could be quite an enjoyable action flick that should generate plenty of interest from his devoted female fan base, plus enough action for all the guys who might get dragged to the movies by their girlfriends. He’s certainly a watchable performer and this new flick should help solidify his career without the need to morph into a werewolf or pine over a chick who’s clearly got the hots for a vampire.
The film also stars Lily Collins, Sigourney Weaver, Danny Glover, Alfred Molina, Michael Nyqvist, Maria Bello, and Jason Isaacs.
Abduction opens September 23rd, 2011.
via: MTV
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