The show that revived Jason Bateman‘s career and made Michael Cera an overnight sensation is planning a return to TV and hitting the big screen, according to series creator Mitch Hurwitz. At the recent New Yorker’s festival, the cast of Arrested Development had a long overdue reunion and reminisced over how scenes and their characters evolved. During the get together, Hurwitz revealed plans to bring back the show as a short season before leading up to a proposed major movie:
We’re basically hoping to do nine or 10 episodes with almost one character per episode, where like the first episode will just be Buster. We’re kinda picturing it like, um, well the latest joke we have is that, you know, it’s Cambridge, Massachusetts and there’s all these scientists in lab coats and they’re waiting for somebody and Buster comes through the door wearing a lab quote and says `let’s begin,’ and they say, `you don’t get to wear the lab coat, we’re experimenting on you. And then we go through his life and we meet the people in his life and maybe he goes to see his therapist who he’s getting a good rate on because it’s Tobias and he’s lost his license. We can do cross overs and things like that. But it’s an unusual style of show I think and we get him to a certain point of peril in his life and then maybe we jump over to like Maeby and she’s living with Cornel West… We’ll do this kind of thing that builds the peril in their lives until they all come together, really, in the first scene of the movie.
Ron Howard was also part of the conversation via phone and explained how plans for a movie made them realise they should do a series to reintroduce the characters:
In fact, where everyone’s been for five years became a big part of the story. So, in working on the screenplay I found that even if I just gave five minutes per character to that backstory, we were halfway through the movie before the characters got together… We’re trying to do kind of limited run series into the movie.
During a recent interview with G4, Ron Howard confirmed plans for a series and a film, check it out here:
While it seems unlikely that Fox will bring the back the show having cancelled the series in 2006, networks like Showtime and Netflix seem the best contenders. It’s perhaps best to get truly excited when the first set pics start spreading across the net – until then we can only hope that the Bluth family make a triumphant return.
Check out the cast reunion from the New Yorker festival here:
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