Elijah Wood’s Big Break as Video Game Boy


Here’s a blast from the past that’s been buzzing around the net which shows a young Elijah Wood getting his big break into film. For movie buffs, nerds, geeks and the like, most will know that it was Back to the Future Part II made in 1989. The scene take place in the Cafe 80’s which perfectly encapsulates pop culture from that decade; from the Pepsi wars to the obsession with Michael Jackson, as well as references to the Iran-Contra affair with President Ronald Reagan facing off with the Ayatollah.

In terms of the film’s sci-fi elements, it had the same misconceptions about the future, suggesting that 2015 would see the advent of flying cars – something we’re still waiting for!

It’s a great scene where the arcade shooter is seemingly compared to today’s gaming advancements such as the Xbox360 kinetic systems, and Elijah’s comments now make more sense:

Video Game Boy #1: You mean you have to use your hands?

Video Game Boy #2: That’s like a baby’s toy!

Check out the scene here:

viaThe Daily What


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