The new trailer is here for Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 3D, the sequel to the 2008 original ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ which starred Brendan Fraser. This time Dwayne Johnson takes over playing stepfather to Josh Hutcherson who embarks on a journey to find his grandfather, played by the legendary Michael Caine.
Together they end up chartering a helicopter and Vanessa Hudgens, the pilot’s daughter – tags along for the ride. A cosmic rift then transports them to the mysterious island and so the adventure begins. This time the story is drawn from another of Jules Verne‘s classics tales, so we can expect similar sci-fi elements coupled with a modern day spin on the story for good measure.
All up it’s looks like it could be very entertaining, with plenty of CG eye candy and cool action plus some romance going on between the young stars.
Check out the trailer here:
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