The movie Black Swan directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel and Mila Kunis is drawing big numbers despite its limited release. Its set to expand from the 18 major cities where Black Swan is currently playing to 1000 theaters nationwide by December 22.
The story is set in France and it opens there February 9, but at a special screening last week ahead of it’s release at the MK2 Bibliothèque near the Seine, Aronofsky conducted a press interview and fielded some questions relating to his new film. He talked about the similarities to his previous movie the wrestler, as well as the inspiration for this movie set in the world of ballet:
My sister was a ballet dancer, so I grew up with it. So that sort of influenced me.
He also spoke of star Natalie Portman who worked tirelessly for a year to become the prima ballerina, and coupled with her characters darkness, many believe this might get her an Oscar nod.
…she took dance classes for a year, eight hours a day. I realized what I asked of her wasn’t for three or four months, like on The Wrestler. Pretty much anyone can become a wrestler in three or four months! So I got very, very nervous for a long time, but with a few camera trickeries and her hard work, it worked
Mila Kinus was recommended for the role by her friend Natalie Portman whom Aronofsky also noticed in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
I thought she was really exciting. And then Natalie said, ‘What about my friend Mila Kunis to play the role?’ I was in London and she was in Los Angeles, so we Skyped. I actually hired her off the internet.
Black Swan is getting rave reviews for being ‘beautifully terrifying, unexpected, multilayered and rich in symbolism‘. It’s a dark ride for movie goers that shows off the brilliance of the director and it’s talented performers. Another key ingredient of the film is the music which includes the sounds of Tchaikovsky, and as Aronofsky explained, rather than duplicate his scores composer Clint Mansel created a modern spin on the classic compositions.
We knew it was going to be a huge challenge to do the Tchaikovsky score. To take something that’s been in the public domain for a hundred years and used in everything from Bugs Bunny cartoons to Volkswagen commercials and make it fresh for the cinema was a big challenge. So Clint spent about 6-7 months deconstructing Tchaikovsky and turning it into something new and fresh. So it’s part Clint, part Tchaikovsky.
For a closer look at the film check out the behind the scenes featurette and interviews with actress Mila Kunis and Director Darren Aronofksy.
You can also check out exclusive videos with stars Vincent Cassel and Natalie Portman talking about their experiences making the movie.
Black Swan opens in wide release December 22nd 2010.
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