With the upcoming release of the Third installment of the The Chronicles of Narnia, 20th Century Fox has released 5 movie clips for your enjoyment. Directed by Michael Apted the new film sees the return of Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their annoying cousin Eustace as they go on a perilous journey with King Caspian to find the seven banished lords.
The film stars Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes, Georgie Henley, and Will Poulter.
Clip 1: Stealing Rations – Reepicheep confronts Eustice
Clip 2: The Book of Incantations – Lucy discovers a way to make snow
Clip 3: The Mansion – Edmund looks for his sister.
Clip 4: Dark Island – Edmund and the gang learn about Dark Island.
Clip 5: This Pool – Edmund dreams of being rich.
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