Disney-Pixar has released a new trailer for their upcoming animated film, Brave. It’s Pixar’s first foray into the world of legends and fairy tales, and unlike the uneven results of Disney’s Tangled, Brave promises to be a heart warming and enthralling piece of entertainment that only those masters of CG animation can effortlessly achieve.
The story revolves around Merida, a young princess (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) in the Scottish Highlands who defies an age-old custom, inadvertently unleashing chaos and fury in the kingdom. This new promo is in fact one cool scene that takes place in the Kingdom’s archery contest, where the winner will claim Merida’s hand in marriage. Clearly unhappy with the situation and the way in which her future might be decided, she takes matters into her own hands and turns the tables on everyone.
The film also features the vocal talents of Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, Robbie Coltrane, and Julie Walters.
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