The Creator talks Tron and CG Animation

Steven Lisberger_2010The original Tron ‘Creator’ Steven Lisberger, was interviewed at this years Comic-Con and talked about the beginnings of the film that got everyone talking about video games and their future applications.

It was 1977 when he first saw their potential and was immediately fascinated by the technology and began thinking of how he could  incorporate them into a film.

I realized that there were these techniques that would be very suitable for bringing video games and computer visuals to the screen. And that was the moment that the whole concept flashed across my mind.

The new Tron: Legacy has just released it’s latest trailer and shows a virtual world so advanced that even the original creator is in awe.

The name Tron was part of his Studios’ logo which featured a character created completely out of light using back-lit animation. Lisberger named that character ‘Tron’ after the word, ‘electronic’.

You can find this trivia and more over at Tron wiki.

Comic-Con 2010: Exclusive interview – Check it out here:


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