Kate Beckinsale is back in her trademark tight leather butt-kicking outfit, for the fourth installment of the Underworld franchise. As the only returning cast member, the story sees the vampire Selene waking up from a long sleep only to quickly escape her confines. She soon learns that humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans and are conducting a bit of house cleaning to eradicate both immortal species.

Underworld: Awakening is shot in digital 3d and the images look pretty stunning, though the trailer is heavy on action and only gives a hint of the story. Though with sequels you kind of know what you’re getting into, and giving away too much too early is a sure way to spoil the fun.

Len Wiseman serves as a producer, and the film is directed by the Swedish duo Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein.

At the recent Comic-Con, Kate Beckinsale was asked about making the fourth Underworld movie and whether it was always planned for her to return:

No, not at all. Initially, it was conceived as a trilogy, and the third one was always going to be a prequel where I wasn’t born. I think, like everybody, I had and Len [Wiseman] and most people who are sensible, have a slight allergy to the number four coming after a movie title ‘cause it usually means it’s shit. But lately, there have been some movies that have actually taken it somewhere else. I guess we’re in a very different climate now, that doesn’t automatically mean that. For us, it was really a question of, if you’re going to take these characters – and there are some people who really love them, but I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea – in order to make it justifiable to make a movie, you really have to do something different and take it somewhere else, and not just continue exactly where we left off in the second one. That’s really what clinched it for us. It was so different, and there’s so much new stuff going on.

Underworld: Awakening opens in 3D on January 20, 2012


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