We’ve Seen The Last of Two-Face


For some time the rumors have been rife that Harvey Dent aka Two Face played by Aaron Eckhart might return in some capacity for the next Batman movie. The final reel of The Dark Knight saw the character fall to his death so it was unlikely that we’d see him return except via way of flashback or maybe some other quirk of fate.

It was thought that after the loss of Heath Ledger who was expected to feature prominently in the third film, that bringing back Aaron Eckhart would bolster the story and fill the obvious void. However with Nolan‘s films, his realm of comic book characters have been supplanted in a twisted reality and where other filmmakers would be tempted to revive him,  it won’t be the case for The Dark Knight Rises.

In an exclusive interview by MTV, Aaron Eckhart recounts his recent conversation with Christopher Nolan where he asked the director what everyone else has been speculating.

Check out the video here:

via: MTV

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