WORLD WAR Z Gets a Rewrite and Reshoots

It’s never a good sign when a movie is delayed, sure some run over schedule or filming schedules change – but when a film has already been completed and the studio orders re-shoots, you know that something is awry. That’s the case with director Marc Forster’s zombie apocalypse pic World War Z  which stars Brad Pitt as a United Nations employee who’s in race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic from decimating humanity.

Based on Max Brooks’ novel of the same name, there was some outcry from fans when word spread that it’s adaptation to film would differ significantly from the novel, now it seems those concerns were founded. Paramount has therefore brought in script doctor Damon Lindelof to re-write the movie – ahead of a massive 6-7 week period of re-shoots which for some flicks is an entire filming period. The Lost mastermind who re-wrote Prometheus ( before filming ) recently announced his return to TV projects, but he clearly hasn’t left the movie business behind. While there are some who are not keen on Lindelof’s style, there’s no disputing his screen-writing skills and grasp of narrative. It’s believed his work on World War Z  will be to revise the choices that saw the script deviate from the book, and with the studio keen on the flick as a franchise, perhaps Lindelof’s tendency to craft a mystery with an ambiguous resolve is the desired outcome.

Lindelof’s pet project sci-fi mystery 1952 for Disney, is currently in pre-production with Ghost Protocol director Brad Bird onboard to direct.

World War Z is currently scheduled for release,  June 2013. 

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One Response to WORLD WAR Z Gets a Rewrite and Reshoots

  1. Robot October 4, 2012 at 5:34 am #

    This article is bullshit. Studios do reshoots all the time. Not that big of a deal.

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