Back to the Future – in Cinemas and on Blu-ray


Think McFly think…when did you last see one of your favorite time-travel movies on the big screen?…it would be 25 years ago with the original made in 1985 and the last of the series made in 1990. Some  people were never fortunate enough to see it in cinemas, catching it only on home video, or over the years on TV and most recently the box-set DVD’s.

Now as part of the upcoming Blu-ray release the classic film Back to the Future is making a limited stop in digital cinemas for the month of October. It’s all part of the 25th Anniversary which has undergone a startling restoration to remove grain and defects from the original print. When writer / producer of the classic series Bob Gale was asked by about the quality of the re-release he said:

All BTTF fans will be blown away over how great this digitally remastered version looks on the big screen. I swear, it has never looked this clean and beautiful, ever — and may I be struck dead by a 1.21 gigawatt bolt of lightning if I’m lying!”

For the U.S screenings the date of the release coincides with the actual story when Marty McFly arrives at the Twin Pines Mall where Doc Brown reveals the Delorean time machine.

Check out the scene here.


The classic adventure film is heading to 40 cities in the U.S on 158 screens, and will arrive on October 23rd and 25th. For fans living in the U.K then by now you’d know that it’s also screening in digital cinemas during October,  you can head over to HeyuGuys for their list of venues.

AMC cinemas in the U.S also has a complete list of screening locations so book your ticket now!

Bob Gale commented further about what to expect from the new print:

“When they did the remastering for the Blu-ray they spent over 400 hours doing dirt cleanup, and almost another 200 hours doing color correction, so the movie looks better than it ever did.” When a film is shown at the theater, “you have the print going through the projector, it picks up dirt, gets scratched and with the digital technology these guys fixed almost all of that stuff, and it just looks breathtaking.”

Check out the classic Alan Silvestri score.

[audio:|titles=Back to the Future – 01 Overture]

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