Aussie break out star Sam Worthington has been confirmed to headline the new Alex Proyas movie, Dracula Year One. It’s set to be an origins story that will steer from away popular vampire lore and focus upon the beginnings of the character made famous by Bram Stoker who set the mythos in motion. His inspiration was said to be based on Vlad the Impaler who in the 1400’s was known for his resistance against the Ottoman Empire and the sadistic slaughter of his enemies.
The story of the reported $100 million flick will focus on Vlad’s character as a young prince who having served with the Turks and garnered his reputation, is now raising a family in the country of Transylvania. Though things don’t fair well for Vlad’s new slice of life when he learns of the Turks recruitment drive for new soldiers known as Jannisserie core, which consist of stolen boys from various towns.
It seems that they’re on the way and in desperation he listens to the words of the Gypsies who claim that on top of a certain mountain there is black magic, it’s a haunted and strange place that is cursed. As the only way to protect his son from an inevitable fate, he goes upon that mountain to find the evil which may give him the power to stop the invading armies.
Dracula Year One is scheduled to start shooting in June next year in Australia.
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