Tag Archives | ghostbusters

Bill Murray Nixes GHOSTBUSTERS 3

The chances of of seeing a new Ghostbusters movie has now all but faded, with word that Bill Murray has effectively passed on the project, unhappy with the script and unwilling to re-unite with his former co-stars for an unnecessary sequel. While back in 2010 there was hope that filming might be underway by mid-2011, Murray conveyed dissatisfaction with the script being […]

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We’re ready to believe you!

Here’s the Ghostbusters advert we see briefly in Sigourney Weaver’s apartment which was used in the TV marketing campaign with an actual 1800 number instead of the movies ‘555’ prefix. The number received more than a 1000 calls a day and featured a recorded message by Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd along the lines of […]

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