Tag Archives | Mandy Patinkin

HOMELAND Season 2 New Trailer

Homeland was one of last season’s best new shows. From the producers of 24, Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa – the duo brought a heightened level of realism to a familiar theme, coupled with complex characters and interweaving story-lines. Last season’s cliffhanger ended in such a way where it seems we could be in for a long wait to see if Damien Lewis’ character’s true […]

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HOMELAND – New Promo

Heres’ a new promo for Showtime’s upcoming Homeland that tackles the story a missing POW (Damian Lewis) who returns home only to come under the suspicions of a CIA agent (Claire Danes) as being a sleeper cell turncoat. V star Morena Baccarin who recently joined the cast plays Lewis’s distraught wife, and the always watchable Mandy Patinkin returns to […]

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V star Joins HOMELAND

It seems that TV is destined to be filled with police procedurals and doctors having romantic encounters between ops with the cancellation of another Sci-Fi show. V started off a an exciting reboot to a classic show that kind of got a bit out of hand in it’s second season, though still managed to be entertaining. It was […]

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HOMELAND – First Look

Here’s the first look at Showtime’s new terrorist thriller series Homeland that debuts later this year. It’s already been given a full season pick-up which indicates the network has quite a bit of faith in this new series catching on. The show deals with the issue of an American soldier who may have been turned […]

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