Tag Archives | Morena Baccarin

HOMELAND – New Promo

Heres’ a new promo for Showtime’s upcoming Homeland that tackles the story a missing POW (Damian Lewis) who returns home only to come under the suspicions of a CIA agent (Claire Danes) as being a sleeper cell turncoat. V star Morena Baccarin who recently joined the cast plays Lewis’s distraught wife, and the always watchable Mandy Patinkin returns to […]

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V star Joins HOMELAND

It seems that TV is destined to be filled with police procedurals and doctors having romantic encounters between ops with the cancellation of another Sci-Fi show. V started off a an exciting reboot to a classic show that kind of got a bit out of hand in it’s second season, though still managed to be entertaining. It was […]

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The Original Lizard Queen Returns

For some time fans have been aware that the original lizard queen was set to return to the revamped show, now we have one of the first set photos and and the latest story gos. Jane Badler played Diana on NBC’s original V from 1983-85, and whilst she’s been doing the rounds on the woeful […]

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