The Late, Late show with Craig Ferguson welcomed Doctor Who star Matt Smith to his first American talk show appearance. Currently shooting in Utah, Matt’s doing the rounds promoting the hit U.K series which for the first time is venturing to the U.S to give a much bigger scope to it’s latest season. The Christmas Day holiday special will air on BBC America at 9 p.m. ET and is borrowing from the world of Charles Dickens with a Christmas Carol-esque storyline with it’s usual twists, and focuses on Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) as newlyweds.
The show will continue in spring 2011 with the season split into two parts, the second half airing in autumn 2011. Producer and Writer Steven Moffat hopes that by splitting the series it will give viewers an exciting cliffhanger and plot twist that will leaves fans waiting for the next half of the season to find out what happens.
It’s been a good year for Matt whose latest incarnation as the time traveling Doctor has been extremely popular in the U.S and a breakthrough year for ratings on BBC America having reached the number one spot on the Top TV Seasons chart on iTunes.
Check out the Interview here:
The initial show of the new series, broadcast on Saturday, featured a kissogram, a naked Doctor along with a “sexed up” Tardis.During the unique 65-minute episode, The Eleventh Hour, in which Doctor Who had 20 minutes to save Earth from aliens known as the Atraxi, his new companion, Amy Pond, was revealed as a kissogram dressed in a skimpy policeman’s outfit, complete with mini-skirt and handcuffs. In one scene, Amy, played by the actress Karen Gillan, told the Dr that her kissogram repertoire also included nuns and nurses’ outfits. Find out extra at Sci Fi Fan.