The Vampire Diaries Finds Klaus

joseph-morgan-klaus-vampire-diariesSo far this season,The Vampire Diaries has been leading up to the villain of the story, the original vampire Klaus. His character is sure to upset the status quo of Mystic Falls by season’s end and be something of a game changer.

The role of Klaus has gone to Joseph Morgan who beat out over a 100 actors who also tested for the role. The actor has had quite a busy year starring alongside newly announced Superman Henry Cavill in ‘Immortals’. He also plays the title character in ABC’s upcoming miniseries Ben Hur.

Vampire Diaries creator / executive producer Kevin Williamson was recently interviewed prior to the casting of the role of Klaus and had these nuggets to offer about what’s in store for this season’s conclusion.

Asked whether it’s  challenging to keep the tension when certain players can’t be lost such as Elena:

Well, yes. I don’t know if anyone is ever going to buy that we’re going to kill Elena. She is the heart and soul of the show. And, I’m not spoiling anything by saying that I’m not dying to kill Katherine. I think there’s too much juice there. That would be incredibly stupid, on my part. But, there are things to do with these characters that you can still surprise the audience with. One of the things we did set up – which we wanted to do in the flashback with Klaus and Katerina (Nina Dobrev) in Bulgaria – is that Klaus killed all of her family because she betrayed him. Yes, chances are that Elena won’t die, but there’s several things that could happen. Everyone she cares about and loves could die. And, remember how Katherine got out of the situation. Elena could make the same decision. There are still game-changers that can happen. Will Elena die? No. But, who will die? There will be blood. People are going to die.

Is it difficult letting go of particular characters, even though it’s for the good of the drama:

Well, hopefully, we’ll do it in a way that is satisfying and we won’t do it just to do it. We will do it and it will be epic and it will be rewarding, and it will feel good, and it will be sad and tragic, but with every ending will come a beginning. Hopefully, we’ll do it in a way in which we won’t piss everybody off and we’ll satisfy the audience. You don’t kill people to disappoint the audience. You do it so they’ll feel satisfied and have a great experience.

vampire-diaries-season-2As for a major story event, how big does something have to be for you to call it a game-changer?

A game-changer, to me, is something that spins the story in a whole new direction. Caroline turning into a vampire, at the beginning of the year, was a game-changer for our little close-knit group of friends. When Elena learned that she had to die, in order for the curse to be broken, that was a game-changer. Things like that are game-changers. We’ve got a couple game-changers coming.

Has the doppleganger storyline gone on longer than you thought, and how much longer will that storyline go?

We always envisioned it to be the season finale and the big sacrifice. We’re going to lead to it. But, we may get to it a little sooner ‘cause there’s so many parts of it and there’s also what happens after. We’re not quite sure where to end the season, with regard to the doppleganger, because there are three or four different endings of it, and beginnings. We’ve already been mapping out next season because we’re pretty sure we’re going to be around, and so we want to make sure we have a place to go with it and that we know where the starting point is.

Asked whether the season finale will mark Klaus’s entrance or will he arrive sooner –  he offered this clue:

The last four or five episodes are leading up to the entrance of Klaus and whether he will achieve his whole goal, which is to sacrifice the doppleganger.

via: Deadline Collider

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