Boardwalk Empire – FX Featurette


HBO’s original series Boardwalk Empire began with Martin Scorsese directing the first episode which proved so popular it was renewed for a second season. From the producers and writers of The Sopranos, it masterfully captured the time period of Prohibition and the emergence of the mob which made for a thought provoking hour of TV. Though whilst Tony Soprano was taking care of business in modern day New Jersey, recreating the time period of the late 1920’s was no easy feat and required the talents of Brainstorm Digital to bring the era to life.

The Brooklyn-based FX company have worked on such films as Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, Frost/Nixon and both Da Vinci Code films. In this featurette,  Brainstorm show how they transported viewers back to Prohibition America with the use of set extensions and digital backdrops. In one instance,  huge blue-screen walls were created by a group of painted shipping containers to block out where the jetty and foreshore would be added digitally. The creation of larger cities are featured along with vintage buildings and billboards for the likes of Coca-Cola and Lucky Strike. Also shown are the extension of beaches, digital boats, floating bodies and the mapping of facial injuries for one of the shows most memorable characters.

Boardwalk Empire returns for season two in 2011 on HBO.

Check out the featurette here:

via: ScreenRant

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