It’s a Trap – Jedi Mindtricks Family Guy Style


The latest and final Family Guy parody on the George Lucas opus is almost here – the full version will be available via digital download on the 21st December.

Seth MacFarlane is said to have expressed frustration for using the title of Blue Harvest for the first Family Guy parody which was in fact the fake working title of Return of the Jedi. These parodies of the Star Wars universe are meticulously crafted and ingenious in the way they make light of a sci-fi institution but simultaneously pay tribute. It’s a trap!! is the famous quote from Return of the Jedi by the fishy looking, Admiral Ackbar.

The original films are so resilient that they can withstand this type of parody, however the prequel films which are largely considered abominations of the Star Wars mythos,  could not survive this satirical treatment.

However without George’s blessing these parodies wouldn’t be possible, so kudos to him for allowing the comic master-mind to offer his warped take on the beloved film trilogy.

Check out the trailer for It’s A Trap! and the similarities to the original Return of the Jedi here:


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