SNL: The Social Mashup


Rumors were flying that Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg would be showing up on Saturday Night Live as guest to host Jesse Eisenberg.  During the opening monlogue SNL comedian Andy Samberg enters playing Zuckerberg and asks the audience to”All hail the Zuck!”. Oscar nominated star of the ‘The Social Network’ then shows us how he plays the billionaire before we see the real Zuckerberg backstage with Lorne Michaels asking, “Why can’t I go in there? I am the real Mark Zuckerberg.”

Its’ a funny skit that’s a cool paradox on life imitating art which makes you wonder just how close the film was to the real story. Eisenberg poises that question when he says that he saw Zuckerberg’s ’60 minutes’ appearance which noted the film’s many inconsistencies, and then asks the Facebook creator what he thought of the movie “It was interesting”, he responds.

Check out the SNL clip here:

[stream base=x:/ flv=02/Saturday.Night_.Live_.S36E13.Jesse_.Eisenberg.flv img=02/snl_jesse.png mp4=02/Saturday.Night_.Live_.S36E13.Jesse_.Eisenberg.720p_x264.mp4 embed=false share=true width=624 height=352 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=med title=SNL: Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Zuckerberg – Property of NBC autostart=false /]

via: Deadline

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